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Early Life And Background

Tefi Russo: Cooking Advocate and Award-Winning Latina Influencer

Early Life and Background

Tefi Russo was born on February 20, 1980, in Río Cuarto, Argentina. She has a passion for cooking and inspires others to embrace it.

Marriage to Joaquín Alvarez

In August 2019, Tefi Russo tied the knot with Joaquín Alvarez, her longtime partner. Together, they share a love for food and creating memorable culinary experiences.

Culinary Advocacy

Tefi Russo actively encourages people to cook by sharing her love for food on her social media platforms. Her enthusiastic approach and inspiring recipes empower individuals to explore their culinary talents.

People's Choice Awards Recognition

In recognition of her contributions as a Latina influencer, Tefi Russo received the Influencer Latino del Año (Latin Influencer of the Year) award at the People's Choice Awards. This prestigious accolade celebrates her impact on the Latinx community and her ability to connect with a diverse audience.


Tefi Russo's passion for cooking, combined with her engaging social media presence, has established her as a respected culinary advocate and influential figure within the Latinx community. Her unwavering belief in the transformative power of food continues to inspire and empower others to embrace the art of cooking.
